
The process of getting a residency visa is relatively simple, but it can take several months to complete. Once your application has been accepted by the Portuguese authorities, we can help get your family into Europe. We can also help with additional requirements such as health insurance or residency permits for family members.

You can apply for a Portugal Residency Visa if you live in Portugal for at least 5 years and have your own home, a job and a private income.

If you are planning to live in Portugal for at least five years, then you can apply for a residency visa. To get this type of visa, all that is required is that you have your own home and a job.

You will also need to prove that you have sufficient income from work or investments to support yourself during the duration of your stay in Portugal.

To get a residency visa, you will need to fill in the forms you need to submit in person at an authorized immigration office in Lisbon (Portugal).

You will also need all the required documents with you when applying for your residency visa. These include:

  • Your passport or travel document that shows your nationality;
  • Your birth certificate and marriage certificate if married;
  • Proof of residence since January 1st 2016 or before that date if this applies;
  • A photo ID proof showing name and nationality as well as current address where it can be found on file with the National Identity Service of Portugal (SENAR), such as an electric bill or telephone bill showing both phone numbers used by yours truly at work/school/etc., etc.;

If you are not a resident of Portugal, but traveling with someone who is a Portuguese citizen or resident, they will do all the paperwork. Their card will be accepted by the government.

If you are not a resident of Portugal and want to stay for more than 90 days in any 12-month period, then your visa needs to be renewed every 6 months.

The process of getting a residency visa is relatively simple, but it can take several months to complete. Once your application has been accepted by the Portuguese authorities, we can help get your family into Europe. We can also help with additional requirements such as health insurance or residency permits for family members.

The process will usually begin with you submitting all of the necessary documentation required by Portugal’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIDI). You should expect this to take around three months in total for your family members to receive their visas and be able to travel together as a group from Portugal abroad.

You can apply for a Portugal Residency visa if you live in Portugal for at least five years and have your own home and salary

You can also apply for a residency visa if you live in Portugal for at least five years and have your own home.


The process of getting a residency visa is relatively simple, but it can take several months to complete. Once your application has been accepted by the Portuguese authorities, we can help get your family into Europe. We can also help with additional requirements such as health insurance or residence permits for family members.



Emigrantz Global Consultancy registered and partnered with ICCRC (ICCRC – R407847) has more than a decade’s experience in the immigration industry. We have been fulfilling the needs of Permanent residency, student visa, business visa and work permit aspirants for Canada along with other countries.

We are just a call / email away to help you in making your dreams come true.

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