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If you are planning to Migrate to New Zealand, you need to know all the possibilities which can get you PR.
The Government established a formal annual Quota for the resettlement of refugees in 1987. From 1 July 2020 this Quota increased from 1,000 to 1,500. The New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy provides a framework to guide refugee settlement activities across government and help refugees. Total Refugee Quota arrivals from the years ended 30 June 2011 to 2020 numbered 8,180. Arrivals peaked in 2018 at 1,020. Since World War II New Zealand has resettled over 35,000 refugees. The Government established a formal annual quota for the resettlement of refugees in 1987. The Refugee Quota Programme is a unit within the Refugee and Migrant Services Branch (RMS), a branch of Immigration New Zealand (INZ), tasked with operating the programme. INZ in turn sits within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
The goal of the Refugee Quota Program is to ensure the Government is able to:
- deliver on their commitment to increase the quota
- deliver on our international humanitarian commitments as part of the global response to the refugee crisis, and
- achieve the outcomes from the New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy (NZRRS)
RQIP’s (Refugee Quota Increase Program) projects included:
- preparing new settlement locations
- enhancing approaches to community engagement
- addressing refugee access to housing, and
- implementing a new health screening, assessment and management model.
Currently New Zealand settles refugees in:
- the Auckland region
- Hamilton
- Palmerston North
- the Wellington region
- Nelson
- Christchurch
- Dunedin, and
- Invercargill
RQIP (Refugee Quota Increase Program) is preparing new settlement Locations in New Zealand. Below are the new locations being setup for settlement:
- Ashburton
- Blenheim — first refugees arrived in June 2020
- Levin
- Masterton, and
- Timaru — first refugees arrived in June 2020.
How New Zealand is supporting settlement locations:
Immigration New Zealand (INZ) continues to work closely with local councils, iwi and other stakeholders to ensure that communities in the settlement locations are prepared to welcome refugee quota families.
INZ is asking some service providers in the settlement locations to help refugees access local support services. The goal is that after a year, refugees will be able to understand how local services work and use them independently.
New Zealand is also working on new methods of community engagement and how to minimise the impact to housing and health services.
There is much more to know about so many other programs for Immigration to New Zealand. You can get easy access to all this information through a free consultation with the best immigration consultants in Saudi Arabia. Meet our experts and know more about how you can migrate to your dream country easily.
Emigrantz Global Consultancy registered and partnered with ICCRC (ICCRC – R407847) has more than a decade’s experience in the immigration industry. We have been fulfilling the needs of Permanent residency, student visa, business visa and work permit aspirants for Canada along with other countries.
We are just a call / email away to help you in making your dreams come true.
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